Tessaract - Fatal Invocation

Planets patronizing to evil
Groaning when spirit summons
Dead life - law of unfeeling
Implanting death among inhabitants

Power rising from moaning graves
Heading minds to sacrifice
Needs for violence, enormity's grave
Ritual domain of another life

Spirit of death searching in air
Calling for demons and dead
Growling of them from rising graves
Under the action of death

Pronouncing the fatal words
Of writing by blood invocation
By decomposed lips of corpse
Set the fire of... Obliteration!

Flame of underground life
As rot flowing from the mouth
Of spirit inspiring the fright
That fortify authority of ghost

Blood on the walls of church
And crooked cross of vice
Millions of dead come to touch
To cross, that desecrating the Christ

Spirit of death searching in air
Calling for demons and dead
Growling of them from rising graves
Under the action of death

Decomposed lips of corpse
Whisper the dark spirit words
Calling vices wind and fog
Symbolizing the lest run of clock
Desecrate... of human life
Invocation... call to dark

Planets patronizing to evil
Groaning when spirit summons
Dead life - law of unfeeling
Implanting death among inhabitants

Decomposed lips of corpse
Don't leaving something choice
Asked the horrible oath
The waked the dead earth
Obliteration... by frightful dead
Invocation... call to death